We WON the Gold Belt again!!

Stop by our office to see the Gold Belt and to try a sample of the winning Chili!

The Chili will be available WEDNESDAY (Nov 27) next week from 11am-2pm for any patients that want to get adjusted before the Thanksgiving Holiday. (Warning it is pretty spicy!)

How Chiropractic Care Can Correct Poor Posture

A chiropractor explains a model of a human spine to a person with poor posture

In the modern age, we spend a lot of our time hunched or bent over. Whether we’re craning our necks down to look at our cellphone screens, sitting slouched at a desk for eight hours a day, seven days a week, or walking with our shoulders rounded and our spines bent. Over time, the strain on our necks and backs can really take its toll, causing debilitating pain. This pain can make standing up straight more difficult, which causes the poor posture to continue, which creates a vicious cycle of self-perpetuating neck and back pain.

Chiropractic care can be a game changer for those suffering from neck and back pain caused by poor posture. Not only will a licensed, certified chiropractor be able to perform neuromusculoskeletal examinations, chiropractic adjustments, and other relevant services based on your situation, they’ll also be able to recommend stretches and exercises to do at home to help you continue to improve. They can also help you identify environmental causes of your poor posture and help you create a plan to make your life more ergonomic.

What Are Some Common Causes of Poor Posture?

Poor posture is a problem that plagues millions of people worldwide and in the US. Poor posture can be caused by a variety of factors that a chiropractor can help you identify. Once you’ve identified the cause of the problem, you and your chiropractor can work together to determine the bet course of action for correcting the problem. Let’s examine some of the common causes of poor posture.

Desk Work

If you spend the majority of your time awake sitting at a desk, you likely have posture problems from leaning forward too much or from sitting in a chair that has poor lumbar support. Over time, this can put a great deal of strain on your spine, resulting in neck and back pain that can range anywhere from mild to severe. Your chiropractor may recommend some ergonomic office furniture to help promote better posture.

Poor Mattress Support

If you’re experiencing posture problems, your current mattress could be to blame. A mattress that is too firm or too soft can provide poor support for your neck and back while sleeping. This can lead to poor sleep quality, which leads to exhaustion, which can cause a slump in your posture. A bad mattress can also cause back pain in and of itself, which can lead to painful slouching and hunching. Your chiropractor may recommend a trip to the mattress store to try out new options until you find a mattress that provides adequate support to fit your needs.


If you’ve recently experienced an injury, you may experience a change in posture due to muscle spams in the affected area. This can cause uncomfortable bending that outs further strain on your spinal column. If you’re recovering from an injury, your chiropractor can provide services for you and give you recommendations for stretching and exercising to help promote recovery.

Weak Back Muscles

The muscles in your back do more than just the obvious things; they also help provide support for your skeletal system, relieving pressure on your joints, tendons, and ligaments. If your back muscles are weak or underdeveloped, this can lead to a slouching posture, which can put strain on your spinal column over time. Your chiropractor will be able to recommend back-strengthening exercises to you.

A chiropractor provides chiropractic care, adjusting a male patient's back while the patient lies face down on a therapy table

How Can A Chiropractor Help Correct Poor Posture?

Now that we’ve identified some of the most common causes of poor posture, we can look at some of the typical ways that a chiropractor will address the issue. Depending on your unique situation and the exact causes of your posture problems, your chiropractor will tailor a treatment plan to you individually. There are several ways they may go about approaching your treatment.

Identifying Underlying Causes of Poor Posture

The first thing your chiropractor will need to do is figure out the source of your posture issues. They will ask you about your lifestyle, environment, activity level, etc. and perform a neuromusculoskeletal examination to get a feel for what your situation looks like. They may also include a physical examination to help identify pain points and observe the severity of the posture problems.

Promoting Joint Mobility

Your chiropractor may want to work on improving your joint mobility if you are showing signs of stiffness. They may recommend chiropractic adjustments or soft tissue work to help relax the muscles around a joint, allowing for greater range of motion and relieving pressure on muscles, joints, and nerves.

Muscle Strengthening

Often, chiropractors will prescribe a tailored list of therapeutic exercises to help strengthen the muscles in the back, neck, and core that are involved in supporting proper posture. These exercises are often incorporated into long-term treatment plans where the goal is to improve posture by strengthening supporting muscle groups.

Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments

One of the most common treatments chiropractors employ when treating clients with poor posture is chiropractic spinal adjustments. During these adjustments, your chiropractor will realign the vertebrae to help reduce pressure on the spinal column, which promotes proper posture and alleviates discomfort.

Soft Tissue Therapy

If your situation calls for it, your chiropractor may also employ the use of soft tissue therapies like trigger point therapy, massage, and myofascial release to help combat muscle imbalances that can cause poor posture due to unequal muscular support. These therapies can also help improve flexibility and reduce muscle tension, which will allow for greater range of motion with less discomfort.

Can Chiropractic Care Correct Poor Posture?

By utilizing the expertise of a licensed chiropractor, many people have seen results in relieving or reducing their back pain caused by poor posture. By not only providing chiropractic therapies in-office, but also by encouraging clients to make wellness-enhancing changes to every aspect of their lives and offering them guidance for putting those changes into practice, chiropractic care can help clients address their poor posture from every angle, treating not only the symptoms but the root cause as well. Chiropractic care is an effective holistic approach to pain relief that can help limit the need for painkillers or other pharmaceutical intervention or work in combination with them for maximum results. By working alongside your chiropractor to implement lifestyle changes along with in-office treatments, you can help ensure you get the full benefits of chiropractic care for your poor posture.

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